Problem Statement
Encrypted text:
Bravo Uniform Bravo Tango Four Lima Whiskey Four Yankee Five Seven Hotel One November Kilo Three Four Five Yankee
Flag Format: BUBT{word1_word2_word3}
Hint: lower case
- <not sure what to put here> (experience I guess?)
I was familiar with NATO phonetic alphabet so I just have to lookup an online decoder.
Update: We are not required to convert the text to readable. So after the first conversion we will get the flag. Also we need to separate the words. If you look carefully then will see that certain letters are replaced by numbers
A → 4
B → 5
T → 7
I → 1
E → 3
This pattern is known as Leet Text (1337 :D) where the letters are replaced with numbers keeping the look of the writing similar.
⚠️ The following steps are not required
I didn’t solve the problem so I am not sure whether I need to convert the words to a readable words. I am assuming I have to so…
Hashnode - for the amazing platform
BUBT - for the workshop